Professional Learning Opportunities Designed to
Develop Perseverance, Passion and Self-Reliance in Education
Presenter: Chip Southworth
Click on links below for more information
Professional Learning Opportunities
A series of professional learning opportunities focusing on how quality teaching methods lead to developing growth mindsets in students. Educators will apply the concept of growth mindset to Domain 2 and Domain 3 of the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System and the Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching.
Six Hour Professional Development: Teachers will receive a six hour interactive in-service focusing on strong teaching methods that will be based on the 10 components of Domain 2 and 3 of the Kentucky Teacher Framework (TPGES).
Teachers will also be introduced to methods that will help students become more self-reliant and perseverant. This will be accomplished by helping teachers create a “growth mindset” in students and themselves. Developing a “growth mindset” in students is vital if you desire students who are self-starters, self-reliant and perseverant. A growth mindset in students combined with strong teaching techniques will support evidence of an accomplished and exemplary teacher.
Three Hour Professional Development: A three hour professional development is available focusing on developing self-reliant and perseverant students by fostering a “growth mindset” in students and educators. Participants will read sections of Mindsets that assist educators in developing a classroom culture of high expectations by teachers and students.
(New) I have conducted Opening Day addresses for the following districts: Montgomery County, Knox County, Covington Independent, Corbin Independent, Fleming County, Estill County and Crittenden County. I would love to work with your school or district to develop a message for your educators.
(New) Six Hour Professional Learning Opportunity: This session is to assist district and building administrators develop a growth mindset in themselves and their teachers. Administrators will develop real world methods to assist teachers and students in becoming more perseverant and self-reliant. Administrators will read and discuss sections of Mindsets to assist in developing a plan for schools and districts.
(New) Three/Six Hour Professional Learning Opportunity: Professional development that assist educators in creating lessons that help students create a growth mindset. Lessons can focus on grade level content or specific content areas.
Three – Five Day Professional Development: Additional professional development can be created to assist administrators with developing a growth mindset culture in his or her school or district. I will work with the administrator to develop a training that best meets his or her school. Educational outcomes from this professional development include:
Gaining a greater understanding of fixed and growth mindset.
Recognizing personal levels of perseverance and grit.
Developing one or two growth mindset lessons for specific content.
Developing a format to share lessons with other teachers.
Developing stronger feedback techniques by learning to critique other teacher's lessons.
Creating professional development training to assist other teachers in their school in understanding and developing a growth mindset.
Working with parents as the school implements growth mindset ideas.
Materials: Handouts, publications and necessary supplies provided. Projector and a screen will need to be provided.
Number of attendees: The professional development can be provided for small groups (5 to 6) or for groups up to
40 -45 participants. Groups larger than 40-45 can be accommodated with assistance from the school or district.
Cost: $400 for 3 hour Professional Development; $700 for 6 hour Professional Development. An additional charge for travel from Lexington and lodging if needed.
Form 30-E : As a retired educator, the district is required to fill out a Form 30-E and submit to KTRS before professional development can be provided. All information needed will be supplied to your district to complete the Form 30-E.