Professional Learning Opportunities Designed to
Develop Perseverance, Passion and Self-Reliance in Education
Presenter: Chip Southworth
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PHONE - 859-457-3428
Become an Active Member of Your Own Rescue
After 30 years as a high school teacher, building administrator, and school district leadership team member, I discovered a theory of learning that resonated deeply with my own personal beliefs and experiences in the classroom. That theory was the idea of Growth Mindsets. Over the past two years I have had the opportunity to provide Professional Learning experiences for educators from over 50 schools and districts. Working collaboratively with educators and students to develop mindsets, it is now my passion to assist others in pursuit of their own goals.
The aim of my professional learning opportunities is to go beyond setting goals. The aim is to help educators and students develop perseverance, self-reliance and passion.
As a building administrator, I encouraged a culture that empowered my staff and our students to “become active members of their own rescue.” We encouraged risk taking and we celebrated mistakes. We knew growth comes from the willingness to take risks and willingness to learn from our mistakes.
When I first read “Mindset” by Dr. Carol Dweck, I learned about the concept of a Growth Mindset and it articulated my philosophy of education. I began to associate teaching methods that develop a growth mindset in students.
In my highly interactive professional learning opportunities, educators gain an understanding of both the growth and fixed mindsets, develop educational methods that assist students in developing a growth mindset and gain a greater awareness of their own mindset.

I offer a series of professional learning opportunities focusing on how quality teaching methods lead to developing growth mindsets in students. Educators will apply the concept of growth mindset to Domain 2 and Domain 3 of the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System.